Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Oh, A Backpacking Life is the Life for Me!

Backpacking is an amazing, economical, and adventurous way to travel for those up to the challenge. When I say challenge, I'm not exaggerating. Backpacking isn't for everybody. Before you set off on your around the world trip with nothing but your backpack and a stack of Lonely Planet books, please do yourself a favour and consider the following:
  1. This ain't no luxury resort. You'll be sleeping in hostels on squeaky bunkbeds with flimsy mattresses, possibly home to the ever so irritating bed bugs. Cleanliness will become a distant memory as you wear flip flops (also known as thongs, jandles, sandals... depending on your nationality) in the shower and wash your dishes with cloths that look dirtier than the plate itself. You'll wait an hour to use the shower, stove, or to wash a load of laundry. You'll sit on the floor of the common areas because that one guy with ridiculously foul smelling feet is taking up the entire couch.
  2. Privacy is thing of the past, and a decent sleep is nearly impossible. If you can't sleep in a room filled with strangers, maybe you should reconsider backpacking. You'll encounter every type of personality imaginable. Some will snore, others will come home drunk at 6 am and mistake your bed for their own. If you stink up the bathroom, that entire room is going to know it, and yes, they will judge you for it. You will more than likely be in the same room as 2 people engaging in sexual activity. Every conversation you have will be listened to unless you have the advantage of speaking a language that they don't understand.
  3. You can't bring everything. As hard as it may be to leave your beloved shoes at home, keep in mind that everything that goes into your backpack has to be carried. The less you bring, the better. Your back will ache, and those bunk beds will only add to the pain. Most backpackers who are in it for the long haul end up throwing away items as they move from hostel to hostel... anything to make it weigh less!
  4. Backpackers are a lower class. Yes, there is a difference between "tourists" and "backpackers". At least that's how you'll be treated. I remember an airport shuttle picking me up from my hostel... at each hotel he'd get out and help load suitcases into the back, but when it came to me, the little backpacker girl, he simply pointed to the luggage racks. You'll have slower service at bars and restaurants, and the locals will curse your existence.

Despite all of what I just said, please, do not rule out backpacking completely. It's by far the greatest way to meet other travelers, particularly if you are traveling solo. You'll make friends that you'll keep in touch with long after the vacation is over. You'll save so much money that you'll be able to stay much longer than you could had you stayed in a hotel. You'll learn so much able about other people, their cultures and countries, and you'll get to know yourself a lot better. There are advantages and disadvantages to this type of travel, but trust me, the good outweighs the bad. So pack your backpack, and start traveling. It just may change your life.

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